So much is going on in my little head today.
- I start graduate school tomorrow. I am a little bit excited, a lot nervous, and pretty intimidated. I never thought I would reach this day and be nervous but I am. However, I am excited to see all the new things I though I'm at ACU still and I know all the teachers and half of my classmates I still feel completely unprepared for the can of worms I am about to open.
- I served communion for the first time today. I know that doesn't seem like a big deal but it was. Thats never something I was asked to do because that is a role men traditionally have in the type of church I attend. I am not bringing this up to comment on the role of women in the church. I was just amazed by how it felt to serve. I was nervous and not knowing what to expect and then felt a part of something that is central to the Christian faith. Perhaps it was the new style of the whole service, but for the first time maybe ever, I felt a community at Southern Hills. It was amazing.
- The anniversary of the hurricane is Friday. I can already feel the clouds coming in overhead and I wish i knew the way to stop them. However, I have to believe that the grief that I feel is a sign of a healthy soul, one that still feels and hasn't yet grown hard. All this grief stuff is just so confusing, it is both a blessing (for healing's sake) and a curse (it makes me crazy...).
-I am blessed with great friends. I was nervous grad school would change everything with my friendships but this week has really made me feel like there are lots of good things to come as far as my relationships are concerned.
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