Christmas is done and we had a good (but LONG) trip. My family is that family that loves each other but only when certain topics are off limits. :) This trip for the most part, said topics went unmentioned and all was well. The trip was mostly hilarious and quite tiring. My mom's family ives in Alabama and don't tell them i told you, but they are totally redneck. We continued to Indiana for a sort Cajun Christmas. I made Crawfish pie on Christmas eve and my brother's tree was tricked out in purple green and gold. But it was freezing which is so unlike South Louisiana. We didn't eat a traditinal Christmas meal but we did have English Christmas Crackers (you know with the joke and the hat) and Christmas Pudding like we always do for my pop. Anyhow, here are the highlights of the trip:
-My grandmother got me and my mom those blankets that you wear, you know the one's from the infomercial. They're called snuggies if you need to google it :).
-My uncle larry got my sister in law a housewarming present. It was a set of oversized ceramic fork and spoons that hang on the wall in the kitchen. They are yellow with praying hands on the bottom and a roasary draping down from the top and they have a kjv bible verse printed on them. They are more hideous than they sound.

-After we opened presents my aunt said she had a special surprise for all of us. It was a DVD of Barry Manilow's Christmas special that aired last year on A&E. We watched it together. It was 86 minutes long. haha
-The Christmas pudding that I told you about is not made for the American taste. It is atleast 6 months old before you can eat it and it can stay in the pantry for up to 5 years. It is then steamed and soaked in brandy lit on fire then served with heavy cream oured over the top of it. It is kind of disgusting but I have eaten a bite of it every Christmas since I can remember and it has a special place in my heart. It was hoever hilarious to watch my sister-in-law's family try to choke a bite or two down. Finally my dad said "It's ok if you don't like it, it's not really made for the American Pallete." To which they all breathed a sigh of relief ( one even spit theirs out !).
-We stopped in Reeves Missouri for gas at the Boomland Gas Satation- The best gas station in the whole world. Make it the highlight of your next family vacation. Not only can you buy gas, but they also sell fireworks, houswares, gifts, and groceries. It was awesome. They had a fiber optic statue of Jesus on the Cross and a Culturally appropriate last supper (also fiber optic), not to mention the pickled bologna and pickled eggs. It was so awesome.
- Since we were at boomland, we had to buy some fireworks! So last night me and my dad launched 12 bottle rockets and it might have been the most fun I have ever had on New Years Eve (I am so lame right?). My favorite part of the event was my dad saying to me "I'm really glad we got those big rockets instead of the little girly ones."
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