-Today I had my first test in Grad school. You know those moments when you were a kid and you were really afraid but then your mom turned on the light and everything was fine? It was kind of like that.
-I found out today that Sunday my dear friend Mr. Wayne was at church in New Orleans. Mr. Wayne had a stroke in January and was not doing well. He wasn't' speaking, walking, or even swallowing. At the end of the summer when I went to see him at the nursing home I was less than hopeful that he would recover anymore than he had (which was very little). I prayed a lot for Wayne. He is like a grandfather to me and i hated to see him that way. I hated to see the way Miss Ann looked so alone without him. I prayed but I didn't believe that God would do anything, maybe I didn't believe he could- I don't know. But I do know that my prayers were definitely not in faith, but they were answered. I am thanking God for his sudden improvement and that he got to walk into Carrollton on a Sunday morning again. He is part of the glue of that church and somehow it always seems a bit incomplete without him there. Lately I have been so surprised at how God works in spite of my lack of faith.
-This Sunday's NY times had an article that articulated why I get so frustrated with why the rest of America doesn't see the value in New Orleans. The writer says this " However one feels about its other policies, the Chinese government is clearly not afraid to invest in the future of its cities. The array of architecture it created for the Beijing Olympics was only part of a mosaic of roads, bridges, tunnels, canals, subway lines and other projects that have transformed a medieval city of wood and brick into a modern metropolis overnight. Meanwhile, three full years after Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans, much of the city remains a wasteland." I couldn't help but cry a little bit at the article. The thing is, when New Orleans went down in the flood, the world really lost something there. It breaks my heart when I feel like no one knows that or that someday we will look at old Katrina damage and talk about how terrible it was- and we won't have done anything to make it right. I read that article about 30 minutes ago and I'm all worked up about it. I don't know if I will ever really know what to do with the feelings I have about the storm. They come over me in a wave and I can't think about anything else. Does this make me crazy? God I hope not...
-I talked to a friend that I haven't talked to in quite a while tonight and it was wonderful. Its funny how there are people that are only acquaintances and yet they are kindred spirits and you somehow just understand each other.
- Tonight at church they talked about being with Jesus.Everyone just kept talking about spending time with him and just how we need to be with him. I don't know what that means. Is that bad?
1 comment:
Hey I agree on that last paragraph... I've never understood the "just be with Jesus" thing. Aren't we supposed to always "be with Jesus"? It makes me think of compartmentalization of one's life... although I might admit to a few times in my life that I've felt like Jesus would have been justified asking me "Hey where have you been?? I've been wanting to talk with you for a while..."
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