Well its funny how I was feeling blue about Christmas and I sort of had a change of heart. What I mean is, our God is good to us, even when I'm being lame. I had the chance to celbrate Christmas at my mom's school yesterday. It was so much fun. We made reindeer sandwiches (that is reindeer looking sandwiches, not actually with reindeer... yikes!) and sang jingle bells and read the Night Before Christmas (the cajun version of course!) and we watched a Charlie Brown Christmas. It is by far my favorite Christmas cartoon. I mean there will always be a special place for the claymation ruldoph and the grincha nd anabelle's wish and all that, but I LOVE A Charlie Brown Christmas. It always reminds me of what Christmas is really all about. Charlie Brown gets a sad little tree that is barely a branch, but our buddy Linus (and his blanky) remind us that Christmas is really about the things that almost get forgotten- the small moments that make us remember the gift our father in Heaven sent to us and that becuase of that gift we might have life, and have it abundantly. Charley's tree is not beutifully decorated and it doesn't stand up straight, but it is somehow just the right tree. I am so guilty of getting caught up in wrapping the presents just right and buying the rights gifts for everyone and making sure all my little meaningless traditions are upheld, when really everything is perfect just the way it is, because Christmas is about humility. We see that in Charley Brown's humble tree and in the humble birth of our Lord. Maybe it was just the kids, but tonight I'm feeling thankful for the spirit of Christmas and I hope you are too.
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