Camp is finally here. I am so tired, but in a good way you know. I am so impressed with how God always provides a way for his work to be done. Somehow we seem to scrape by with enough money, squeeze in that extra kid who really needs to be at camp, and find enough adult helpers to teach the various subjects without being stretched too thin. My Co-director, Perry, is a wonderful woman who goes to great lengths to make sure our camp is excellent. I have learned so much from her over the years about being a good steward (which often means going to a million different stores with lots of coupons clipped from the paper...). At any rate here's a brief list of some of the things we've been up to and a few pictures:
- In Drama we are learning a play about the story of Daniel. The kids began learning the dances for our musical production. The play is also written in rhyming verse in language that the kids actually understand. The kids have learned a variety of styles including hip-hop, salsa, and R&B.
- In Heart of the Matter the kids have delved deeper into the story of Daniel. They have talked about making healthy choices with thier bodies like Daniel did as well as completed a service project to show appreciation to the individuals who make camp possible.
- In Learning Journeys our kids have practiced thier math skills with drills at their individual levels, tried a variety of vegetables, learned to read a nutrition label, discussed various aspects of healthy living (including a field trip to whole food grocery store where they learned about eating organinc and choosing healthy food items). They also began learning about the solar system.
- In Art class they have done Mondrian style watercolor paintings, mosaics with beans and lentils, made vaegetable prints, and learned about still life drawings.
- Done 2 hours of Yoga and Core training with a professional yoga teacher
-Read for 20 minutes each day
- Lots of singing
- Played lots of four square
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