Tonight there was a fish fry in Hollygrove. It was sooooo good. We ate and laughed and sang and danced (just little bit). I met so many new people and I was excited to see the church at Hollygrove buzzing about. I know that it will be the first of many things to come. I was reminded of the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand. There were all these people who had come to hear Jesus speak and they were hungry. The disciples wanted to send them away, but Jesus said to let them come and eat. The diciples were so confused, thinking that they would never be able to able to afford food for so many. Andrew said to Jesus " Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?" We all know how that story ended. Everyone ae their fill and there was even some leftover. When Carrollton started talking about Hollygrove, everyone thought they were nuts- how far will so little go when so much is needed. And yet tonight, people who have little in common came together and ate fish, and were satisfied. My prayer is that one day, people will come there not just hungry for fish, but rather hungering and thirsting after righteousness, and that they will be filled.
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