Today I'm thankful for:
1. Getting to cheer at faculty/staff vs. student ball games (pompoms and all!).
2. The Mid City farmers market. It's one of the highlights of my Thursdays
3. Remembering the excellent advice I got from my dad
4. Friends who share silly youtube videos and let you play with their dog when you had a bad day.
5. Conviction: Today was a hard day. There are some times in your life when God whispers in your ear and show you what you must do. Today was on of those days for me. While realizing my own shortcomings is never fun, the feeling of conviction reminds me that I am child of God. It's who I'm meant to be. Furthermore, conviction reminds me that God really does love and care for me and is involved in my life. It reminds me that I can't do/fix/be everything for everyone. It reminds me that he is the God who holds all things together.... and all things starts right here with me.
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