One of my favorite friends, Vann Conwell was in New Orleans not too long ago at my home church, Carrollton Avenue. He is passionate about helping us finish up repairs so we can continue on in His service. Carrollton is a church that taught me what it means to be the hands and feet of Jesus. After the storm, the church had nothing. No money in the bank, no insurance, no pews, no song books, no equipment, nothing. But instead of getting the building back in shape we used the facility to help support relief work. The building is still not together for this reason, however the church remains as a beacon of hope in a city in such desperate need. They have planted a church in a neighborhood that was spiritually wasting away. This summer we hosted a 2 week drama and art camp for 40 children (the largest number we've ever had). The church works with the neighborhood schools to help them get the supplies they need and even helped one get playground equipment after they were able to reopen. The church is perhaps the reason I still have any faith left at all. Most of the time it seems as though evil roars in our world like a lion, but at Carrollton, I have always been surrounded by God's grace, mercy, peace and love. They are my family in so many ways, and I thank God for them every chance I get. Please take the time to watch this video and visit the website.
1 comment:
I watched the video and saw your pretty face on it. It touched me, thank you for posting it. Your perseverance is encouraging and although I don't know how you feel, I do know it is difficult at times. You are in consistently in my thoughts and prayers.
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